Hazardous Waste
Where can I get rid of my Hazardous Waste?Local HHW Collections happen three times a year, see the collection schedule or check our Facebook page
for location updates. Call 802-674-4474 with questions. |
Hazardous Waste
Acceptable Items
Non-acceptable Items
Alternatives to Hazardous Waste Collections
Vermont Paint Stewardship Law Through the PaintCare program, residents may drop off accepted materials free-of charge at participating paint stores, transfer stations, and GUV HHW collection events.
In 2021, PaintCare collected a total of 111,847 gallons of “post consumer” paint in Vermont.
In 2021, PaintCare collected a total of 111,847 gallons of “post consumer” paint in Vermont.
- The Hartford Recycling Center, 2590 North Hartland Road (Rte. 5), White River Junction
- Britton’s Lumber & Hardware, 56 US Rte. 4, Taftsville
- Aubuchon Hardware, 2745 US Rte. 5, Windsor
- Aubuchon Hardware, 3626 Route 14, South Royalton
- Fogg’s Lumber & Hardware, 301 Route 5 South, Norwich
- Oakes Brothers, Inc., Rte. 5 Lower Plain, Bradford
- The Norwich Transfer Station, 24 New Boston Rd. Norwich residents only.